Celeste Basken

Freshman at UC Berkeley interested in environmental science and public policy.

My LinkedIn

Hello! I’m Celeste, and I’m passionate about a variety of things including environmental issues, politics, film, the outdoors, and social justice.

Especially after covid, I’ve focused on how to use my voice to address the variety of challenges and injustices facing our generation: the climate crisis, widespread social and economic inequality, political regression on womens' and gender/ sexuality issues, international conflict, and more. I hope in my life and career to take steps to address these concerns through research, policy and education.

I created this website in the computer programming language R using a Hugo Blogdown theme. To read more about my programming experience, please check out the environmental science page.



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Professional Experience

I’ve been fortunate to explore my interested in a variety of applied internships. I held a yearlong virtual internship with The Nature Conservancy programming in the computer language R, which you can read more about on the environmental science page. In the summer of 2021, I graduated from UMD’s Ag Discovery program where I took a 3-credit course on agriculture and environmental science. I’ve also written feature articles in the Curious Science Writers program internship with The National Institutes of Health about biomedical research studies.


How to use this site.

This website is a fun way for me to share my interests and aspirations, but if you’d prefer a more traditional format, check out the link below. This site also includes more personality content in the For Fun section.

Read my resume and CV.